Our services

End-of-life care

Saying goodbye to a family member can be incredibly difficult. Whenever it’s time, our compassionate care team is here to make the process as painless and anxiety-free as possible.

Questions? We've got you covered.

What is end-of-life care?

We all wish our pets could live forever, but there comes a time in every pet’s life when saying goodbye is best for their happiness and comfort. At Juno, we know this can be an emotional time, so we’re here to offer support and answer any of your questions. We pride ourselves on helping your pet stay happy throughout their life, so as your pet ages, we may ask you to increase the frequency of their visits, and suggest different lifestyle changes to make them more comfortable.

How do I know when it’s time to put down my pet?

Knowing when to say goodbye isn’t always clear. When your pet’s lifestyle becomes impacted by age, illness, or other factors, our vets will help you create a plan that allows you the maximum amount of time with your pet. We’ll also talk about how you can make those last days, weeks, or months extra special.

Can I stay with my pet while they’re being put down?

In most cases, the choice is yours. Many pets are comforted by their owners being in the room with them and gently petting them, and most owners are reassured to see their pets feeling calm. However, if you find yourself overwhelmed at being present, we’ll have a private space for you to be alone. Your pet will never end their life by themselves, and our care team will always make sure they experience kindness and comfort in their final moments.

Before the procedure, you’ll be offered a private area to say your goodbyes and have a few last hugs.

I’m struggling after saying goodbye to my pet. What can I do?

Saying goodbye to a pet is always difficult. We recommend sharing your feelings with family and friends who knew your pet. We can also match you with a pet-loss support group.

What’s a quality of life assessment?

A quality of life assessment is done on pets as they begin to age, or if they suffer from long-term illness. It’s part of a regular wellness exam, and involves a variety of assessments to determine your pet’s status. We look at their mobility, any pain, dental health, emotional health and wellbeing, weight gain or loss, and other factors to determine if there’s undue suffering. We’ll always provide our recommendation for the best end-of-life care and help you make tough decisions as best we can.

How will my pet be put down?

We use euthanasia to provide a pain-free, anxiety-free passing for your pet. It’s an efficient and humane way to end your pet’s life, and is the most common option.

What does euthanasia actually do?

For an end-of-life procedure, our vet team starts by administering a light sedative that’s a mix of calming agents and painkillers, helping your pet relax and feel a sense of calm. This is administered via a small syringe, and is painless for your pet. Once they’re sedated, we’ll place an IV for the euthanasia. Your pet will have a few final moments and pass away peacefully within minutes.

After the procedure, we’ll provide you time alone with your pet, or in private. You may choose to talk to us about cremation or burial before or after the procedure. We’re here to help remove as many burdens as possible on a tough day.

Does euthanasia hurt my pet?

No. Sedatives and pain medication help ensure your pet won’t be in any pain from either euthaniasia or any ailments. Euthanasia is the kindest way to provide end-of-life care for your pet.

What do I do with my pet’s remains?

Our vet care team can help you decide between pet burial and cremation, and can handle the details for you. You can discuss your wishes with our team in advance so that everything is confirmed before your pet’s visit. We can also recommend compassionate professionals to help take care of any arrangements.

Will my other pets act out at the loss of my pet?

Just like humans, pets may show aggression or sadness at the loss of a family member. You might notice them sleeping more or less, barking or meowing more, wandering aimlessly in search of your pet, or a change in eating habits. Our vet care team is happy to discuss your other pets’ behaviour, and suggest some ways to help them adjust, like establishing new routines or calming sprays.